Friday, April 13, 2018

Week 12 Story: Oh, Where Did You Go Friend?

The world is filled with noise. You try to focus on what is important in life, but you can't help it and get lost in all the other things happening in the world. And you don't realize what you have lost until it is too late. My friends today I will tell you about a time when I had almost lost a close friend.

There was a horse [me] and newborn pup who lived on the same farm. The pup would come to visit me everyday ever since it was able to walk. Day after day the pup would come and play with me and soon we ate almost every meal together. We shared our stories of the day and sometimes were able to roam the fields together. We played together and sometimes were even taken on the same trips. Our farmer was a soft-hearted man with a lovely wife who made pies that made our mouths water. They cared and loved as if we were their children.

Humans are funny people. They tend to tell us all of their feeling and daily goings and give us hugs when they need a buddy. I can't say I don't love my people, because they pamper me with many new items. My humans say that I am their most prized possession and if I will the regional showcase we will be able to go to nationals. That apparently means more money for the farm. I overheard them say we were running low on funds and they'd have to soon sell off some of the other farm animals.

Nationals were around the corner and I was so caught up in trying to win. I paid no attention to my surroundings or the fact that I was ignoring my friend also. The day before I was scheduled to leave for nationals I searched high and low for pup, but could not find him anywhere on the farm. I asked the other farm animals if they saw him...everyone just said "no." I couldn't eat that night, we always had dinner together no matter what. That was one of the longest nights I had ever gone.

The next day on the long ride to the national showcase I heard my humans say that the extra money from the recent dog sale would be able to pay a bill or two. I could not believe what I was hearing pup was gone! GONE! SOLD!

Everything went wrong at nationals, I just could not focus my mind kept going back to pup. My humans say they're worried since I am not eating nor sleeping. I just want to see pup, I need to talk to him, see if he has eaten, and ask why he never said he was leaving. I hear from the stable boy that the humans are trying to figure out why I am so miserable. They continuously bring in people to try to solve the "mystery." One day after an old man had come to see me I heard the bark of pup. I could see him running across the field, oh I was so happy to see pup! We took baths, ate, played, and talked about everything. Night passed and dawn came too soon, but my best friend was with me and now nobody could separate us. Next year's national championship was were I won first place and pup was in the stands cheering for me!

Bibliography: The Faithful Friend from the Eastern Stories and Legends by Marie Shedlock.

Image result for horse and puppy
Me and my best friend


  1. Nice story Mansi! I loved how you portrayed the whole story from the horse's point of view. It was fun to see human's confused because they couldnt identify the real problem that the horse had. Is this your original story or no? I wouldve loved to see a authors note but hey ill take what i can get. Keep up the good work and i will be looking forward to reading more stories from you!

  2. Hey Mansi, I really enjoyed you story. I was not familiar with the original story and since you did not write any author’s notes I went and read the original on my own. I liked that you changed the elephant into the horse, it made it more realistic story. I also liked that you wrote the story from the perspective of the horse. Great writing!
